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Technology and computers
Explorar a Criatividade Digital - Fotos, Vídeos e Áudio
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
#Browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content, #Evaluating data, information and digital content, #Managing data, information and digital content, #Sharing through digital technologies, #Managing digital identity, #Protecting personal data and privacy, #Solving technical problems, #Identifying needs and technological responses, #Creatively using digital technology, #Identifying digital competence gaps, #Copyright and licences, #Integrating and re-elaborating digital content, #Developing digital content
Technology and computers
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
#Browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content, #Evaluating data, information and digital content, #Managing data, information and digital content, #Sharing through digital technologies, #Managing digital identity, #Protecting personal data and privacy, #Solving technical problems, #Identifying needs and technological responses, #Creatively using digital technology, #Identifying digital competence gaps, #Integrating and re-elaborating digital content, #Developing digital content, #Collaborating through digital technologies, #Integrating through digital technologies
Technology and computers
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
#Browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content, #Evaluating data, information and digital content, #Managing data, information and digital content, #Sharing through digital technologies, #Managing digital identity, #Protecting personal data and privacy, #Solving technical problems, #Identifying needs and technological responses, #Creatively using digital technology, #Identifying digital competence gaps, #Integrating and re-elaborating digital content, #Developing digital content, #Collaborating through digital technologies, #Integrating through digital technologies
Technology and computers
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
#Browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content, #Evaluating data, information and digital content, #Managing data, information and digital content, #Sharing through digital technologies, #Managing digital identity, #Protecting personal data and privacy, #Solving technical problems, #Identifying needs and technological responses, #Creatively using digital technology, #Identifying digital competence gaps, #Integrating and re-elaborating digital content, #Developing digital content, #Collaborating through digital technologies, #Integrating through digital technologies
Technology and computers
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
#Browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content, #Evaluating data, information and digital content, #Managing data, information and digital content, #Sharing through digital technologies, #Managing digital identity, #Protecting personal data and privacy, #Solving technical problems, #Identifying needs and technological responses, #Creatively using digital technology, #Identifying digital competence gaps, #Integrating and re-elaborating digital content, #Developing digital content, #Collaborating through digital technologies, #Integrating through digital technologies
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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